Aerobic Septic Inspections

Inspecting Septic Systems in Rockwall and Surrounding Areas

Septic systems not only need inspected when a home is purchased, but routinely.

Septic Tanks

Many homeowners want to build or buy houses in the country, for a variety of reasons. Country living allows for the opportunity to be closer to nature, the ability to grow vegetables and raise farm animals and the chance to live a slower paced and relaxed life. One thing to bear in mind is, that while living in the country has tremendous benefits, access to the conveniences that towns and cities provide are not always readily available. For instance, a home in the county would most likely be outside the service area of the city sewer system – meaning the need for your own safe and reliable source to treat household wastewater within the property. An on-site wastewater treatment system, most commonly known as a septic system, is necessary.

Septic Inspections

Where can the septic system be installed?

All components of the septic system, including tanks, pumps, dispersal fields and collection line(s) need to be installed within the property of the owner of the system and/or in a dedicated recorded easement for the installation and operation of the septic system. Keep in mind there are separation distances from objects such as water wells, property lines, buildings as well as other rules.
Ants vs Termites
A properly working septic system will treat harmful pollutants in household waste water. Improperly-functioning systems pose as hazards to the owners, their neighbors and the environment. The rules clearly stipulate that the owner of a system shall ensure that the system is maintained and operated properly so that: 1) sewage or effluent from the system is properly treated and does not surface, pool, flow across the ground or worse, discharge to surface waters, 2) all components of the system including lagoons are maintained and do not leak or overflow and 3) the required security measures are intact (e.g. required fences are intact, septic tank lids are intact and properly secured). The rules also state that if a septic system malfunctions, the person owning or otherwise responsible for the system needs to take prompt action to repair the malfunctioning system, prevent further violations and remediate the site. Violations and negligence are subject to enforcement actions and possible penalties.

We will inspect the equipment including the warning systems and verify lids are secure and sprayers function. We always recommend maintaining an annual maintenance agreement with a licensed, quality service provider.

Things to Remember

There are three key things to remember with septic systems:
1) they are expensive to install
2) they need routine care and maintenance by a licensed maintenance provider and
3) there ARE rules that govern their installation and maintenance.
Septic Inspections